07765 677334 01256 844232
Give us a ring on 07765 677334 or 01256 844232 or alternatively email james.busybee@gmailgmail.com.com and tell us as much as you can about your cleaning job - including your contact details - and we'll reply as soon as we can.
Excellent carpet cleaning service - the best I have ever used - would thoroughly recommend
Busybee offers professional commercial and domestic carpet cleaning.
We employ modern cleaning technology and solutions to deliver a non-toxic, pet and child friendly service that promotes quick drying times. Our aim is to provide complete customer satisfaction with fantastic results and competitive pricing and no hidden extras!
Whatever your needs: Accidents, spills, animal odours or just general wear and tear Busybee is able to assist .
NO QUIBBLE 100% money back guarantee.
Stain guarding
Latest Technology